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For the past few months, Research In Motion (NASDAQ: RIMM) – popularly known as RIM – has been acquiring startups like its going out of style, just like SalesForce.Com! One of the more notable of these startups is Tungle.Me, a social calendaring application that has seen wide adoption among major companies during its short time on the scene. Tungle.Me touts itself as ‘scheduling made easy’ that connects with several different business calendars to prevent double-bookings and missed meetings that can be a major embarrassment to small businesses.
Tungle.Me launched a little under two years ago in 2009 and quickly rose in the ranks as the best social calendaring application available. Over 800 universities and 40 percent of Fortunes’ top 1000 companies all use this app in over 150 countries. These are impressive stats for any two year old startup.
This application should be seen as a life-saver for the small-business leader. Once a company gets off the ground, the demand is usually easily manageable by few people. Though once word of mouth starts spreading and that same small business starts receiving higher demand for its products or services, important meetings and events could be lost in the daily grind of trying to stay afloat. That’s how the makers of Tungle.Me got the idea for this social calendaring application. They were small-business owners that saw a drop in productivity and the challenge of making everything work without a proper system.
The reason we knew that Tungle.Me would be successful is because it was developed as a tool to address a communications problem! When ideas are created to fix something that is broker, or they can make it better, that is when you know you have a winner!
The calendar was seen as the main productivity draining black hole. Rather than start a whole new calendar app, though, the makers decided on creating an application that built off of the popular calendars already in the hands of most businesses. Because of this innovative idea, Tungle.Me spread like wildfire. Tungle.Me is easy to use for any small business. It easily connects to almost any calendar program in wide use today, from online calendars to desktop ones, and notes when meetings or other events are scheduled and when free time is available. Personal availability is then shown on Tungle.Me so that others needing to meet will visit a public page and request to meet during those free times. Once a small-business leader accepts the meeting, that time is then blocked off and relayed to everyone’s calendar to avoid double bookings. Tungle.Me is also smart as it adjusts to differing time zones, and it protects privacy and keeps valuable information secure. This is a great acquisition for RIM!Businesses can benefit from this by creating calendar items and sharing them with their team members. This is a unique tool created by a business owner for a business owner. Try it out, set up a free account. Comment here and tell me if you like it.