Wednesday, September 21, 2011

5 Ways To Manage Online Feedback- Click for full article

5 Ways To Manage Online Feedback- Click for full article

Business owners spend much of their time focusing on their marketing campaign and production costs. However, there is one aspect about their business that is really important: Feedback.

If you have been in business for a while, there will eventually come a time when you will receive a negative feedback comment. There is no possible way to satisfy every customer. However, there are some great ways you can manage your online feedback and turn those negative comments into something positive. Here are five ways to manage your online feedback.

1. Embrace the negative feedback

According to some research studies, most negative feedback comments are constructive, approximately 80 percent of them. Instead of allowing negative comments to discourage you, embrace them. Allow your customer's comment to help you develop ways to solve new problems.

2. Discover the real reason behind the negative feedback

No business is perfect, so there will always be dissatisfied customers. However, most negativity stems from the customer's true disappointment, not necessarily at your business, products or establishment. There are typically four different types of negative comments:

.Construtive criticism
.Clear and concise problems
.Justified attacks
.Trolls and spam

Constructive criticism is typically easy to address. The customer has a suggestion, and you should listen to what he or she has to say to decide if it is something that may benefit your business.

Clear and concise problems are negative comments with direct issues. The customer knows why he is dissatisfied and wants you to fix it.

Justified attacks may be customers who are angry, but can not really express their issue to you. You need to do your best to listen to these customers and handle the situation with care.

Trolls and spammers should never be addressed. Do not feed their desire to stir controversy around your company; it may reflect badly on your reputation.

Moreover, never let a disgruntled customer upset you. Always keep a clear head.

3. Respond at the right time

You don't have to respond to every negative comment; however, you should know what types of comments you should address. There are some negative comments that can benefit your business if you address them appropriately.

4. Learn different response techniques

Because every customer is different, you need to address each customer according to his or her personality. With enough experience, you will learn how to address your customers. Moreover, always stay genuine with your responses to negative feedback.

5. Encourage positive reviews

With enough positive reviews, any negative review will have little effect on your company's reputation. You should always encourage happy customers to leave positive responses.

Keep these tips in mind when handling your own online feedback.

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