Monday, June 13, 2011

Web Design For Mobile Devices- Click here for full article

Web Design For Mobile Devices- Click here for full article

Have you ever made a huge mistake with your smart phone or internet device? 35% of Americans say they have done something they highly regret, regarding the internet. Some people have an iPhone while others have a Droid. Whatever the case, many of us have uploaded a picture that we later regret. The problem with uploading this picture directly to our social network accounts, is that we can never actually take off that picture. Once something is posted to the internet, it is there forever.

Many of us are friends with people from work or church. A lot of times we may be off the clock and doing something we are not known for. For example: Maybe you went to a graduation party and got a little tipsy. Just for fun you decide to upload your picture into the social networking website. That picture is instantly viewed by all of your co-workers, family, and friends. The next day, when you are actually regretting the fun time that was had, those pictures have already tainted your image.

Of those 35% of Americans that have online regrets, some of those are moms. Some moms have posted a quick photo of our cutie running around half naked. Little did we realize the creepers that are on social networking sites. Some other examples of not so fun photo memories; when the hubby snaps a picture of you and the baby right after labor. We may not even think about these pictures, but they can come back to haunt us on a personal level. Perhaps a new mom was not quite ready for her after birthing face plastered all over the internet.

Whatever the online regret is, you are not alone. Many Americans find themselves making vital online mistakes. While we can always delete the picture, it is best to try and use precaution to begin with. If we are going to be out partying or giving birth, maybe it is best to wait to show everyone an instantaneous picture of our fun. Also of the 35% of Americans that regret this is not an uncommon mistake. If someone gives you a hard time about it, just simply smile and move on to the next instantaneous picture.

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