Wednesday, January 12, 2011

5 Tips to Get the Most From Your Social Media Efforts - Click here for full article

Using social media to get the best results is on everyone's list of goals, but have you figured out how to do it? It can be challenging to decipher the best ways to use these new tools.

Here are five tips to help you to get the most from your social media efforts:

Look at It From Your Customers' View
The most successful business owners think about their products, advertisements and services from their customers' vantage point, and your social media engagement should be no different. Your customers, both potential and current, want something in exchange for "liking" you on Facebook or following you on Twitter. Think about providing information, such as tax tips if you are an accountant or discount codes if you sell merchandise online, to entice them to not only make the initial commitment, but to revisit your social media communications.

Use the Right Social Media Tools
Today, social media is a broad term for Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and even submit-your-own news-story websites like Digg and StumbleUpon. It is difficult to manage all of them as well as you want, so focus on the tools that your customers are using. If you are an executive recruiter, LinkedIn is where you will find your next CEO, while Twitter may be better for finding bloggers, and Facebook has the lion's share of college students and young adults.

Keep Up the Good Work
Be consistent with your social media use, regardless of what tools you are using. This means sending out quality tweets daily, providing your Facebook fans with regular updates, or being active on LinkedIn's discussion boards.

Provide Value, Not Spam

It is tempting to send out a continual stream of tweets and updates that link to your website. Resist this impulse, as it is considered the social equivalent of spam and is a fast way to lose your audience. Strive instead for a mix of information that provides value to your audience, as well as directing them to your website for additional information.
Step Up Your Game
If your Facebook page is getting visitors and your Twitter account is gaining followers daily but your website is not seeing a corresponding increase in traffic, consider providing additional incentives to social media users to visit your site. It could be an exclusive sale, webcast or discount, depending on your product or service.

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