Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mobile Phone Risks?- Click here for full article

Mobile Phone Risks?- Click here for full article

Today’s mobile phones are a dream for users. Their advanced computing abilities make it simple to perform almost any function. But a small group of criminals are turning these tools into a nightmare.

Hackers have begun to make their way into the mobile phone department. Because of the personal information they store, mobile phones become a portal into someone’s private life. If accessed by the wrong person, accidentally or intentionally, they can become the owner’s worst nightmare.

What criminals want

Criminals are attracted to usage. SUVs are the most stolen vehicles in the country because of their usage. They are an in-demand motor vehicle, making it easy for thieves to resell them once they’ve been boosted.

Computers are hacked because they are widely used. Hacking, a form of cyber terrorism, is meant to affect the most people possible. One of the tenets of terrorism is maximum population – hit an area with the most people, the most users.

Malware and viruses

Malware, short for malicious software, are apps infected with harmful code. They are designed to deny access, gather private information and affect the overall operation of the system.

One product that finds itself under harsh attack is the operating system Android. It’s estimated that nearly 90 percent of Android users have potential malware vulnerabilities. Android apps are becoming notorious for how easily they can be infected with malware. In just minutes, hackers can download a legitimate app, study the source code, enter their malware, rename the app and upload it back into the market.

Protecting your mobile phone

Protecting your phone is no different than protecting your car. You create good habits – parking in well-lit areas – and decide if you need all the things that can make it a target – expensive stereo system, fancy wheels, etc.

Keeping sensitive materials on your phone is like leaving precious objects in your car. If you leave your laptop and wallet in plain view, the odds of your vehicle being broken into increases.

Security tools like Norton and Lookout can significantly reduce mobile phones risks. But the real protection comes from the people and businesses that own them. Understand what your Android is capable of and what its vulnerabilities are, especially when it has been expanded or modified.

As always, the best prevention is human vigilance.

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