Friday, June 24, 2011

Should Twitter Move Over And Make Room For Tumblr?- Click here for full article

Should Twitter Move Over And Make Room For Tumblr?- Click here for full article

In the last couple of years, Twitter has become an outlet for many professionals to promote themselves and their activities. It has also become a method for journalists such as Ben Wedeman of CNN to disseminate information quickly and succinctly. Many rely on Twitter for the latest in world news and also the scoop on their favorite artists and products. However, because of the limits of the platform, there are a number of reasons why Twitter may eventually cede promotional and journalistic favor to its rival Tumblr.

First of all, Twitter's format is too limited and awkward to deliver the kind of media-rich experiences people are beginning to expect from their web surfing. Twitter essentially only allows the posting of 140 characters of text or less. It does allow third-party services for uploading and linking to pictures and video, but these feel awkward to use compared to Tumblr's media integration. Posting a picture, video, audio excerpt, or chat log on Tumblr is just as easy as posting text. Tumblr has even integrated with SoundCloud, which is rapidly becoming the most popular way to share audio on the web. Journalists or businesses can upload a video from their camera to YouTube or directly to Tumblr and have it embedded on their Tumblr feed with perfectly customized formatting.

Tumblr has a number of additional features that make it attractive to businesses. It allows users to link to their own custom domain, which is crucial for any business or any person whose media identity is crucial to their livelihood or goals. Tumblr can be updated through a phone call or email. It also features built-in search engine optimization, which makes it easier for search engines to rank each entry favorably. Also, the theming is more extensive and customizable than Twitter's.

So, should Twitter move over and make room for Tumblr? Of course, it remains to be seen which will prove more popular in the long run, and in any case Twitter won't simply give up and let Tumblr drive it out of business. But it may want to focus on creating new ways of making its core functionality – brief text – more valuable, instead of awkwardly trying to expand to match Tumblr's functionality. In any case, Tumblr is a promising platform for journalists and businesses that desire a media-rich presence on the web.

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