Friday, December 3, 2010

Facebook is a Good Thing for Business

facebook_logoNot all Facebook business pages are great, but having a weak presence is better than not having any presence at all. Each business will have a slightly different goal for its Facebook campaign, but the extent to which you can create a "listening" with your audience is really the most elemental measure of success.

As a business, there are some pitfalls that would be better to avoid.

Don't be a Nit-Twit

Twitter is a different platform than Facebook and has different limitations, most obviously a character limit of 140, including black spaces. Do not simply copy and paste your tweets to your Facebook page, nor should you do the reverse and copy and paste your Facebook updates to Twitter. Have a purpose with each post and use all of the tools and space that Facebook offers.


Not sharing is for 2-year-olds. Share! Let your fans post to your Facebook wall. Let those who "Like" your page make posts and comment on posts. In fact, let them post photos, videos and links, too. You do not have to be the only creative force on your Facebook page. Share your own posts, photos, videos and links from your friends if the content is relevant to your business.

Only Stupid Answers

There are no stupid questions. Once it rolls out, use the new feature called Facebook Questions to reach outside your community. Until then, join Facebook Groups to find like-minded people, peers and new contacts. Also, asking and answering questions can position you as a source of industry knowledge. You get to be an expert.

Don't be a Shrinking Violet

Stop hiding! Add a Facebook "Like" box to your company website. If you're not sure how, contact us at NewMediaPlus and we'll be happy to help you out. And stop being boring! You might not be the life of the party in the real world, but your online presence can be the person you've always dreamed of being. Make your Facebook page fun and great to visit.

Click here to read full article.

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