Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tips on Running a Successful Social Media Campaign – Click here for full article.

Written by : Nathan Johnson

Here is a great article I ran across with some great tips on running a successful campaign, as well as how to avoid some common social media marketing pitfalls.
Two-Way Conversations
You must listen and respond to your customers. This is more than just setting up a poll on your site. Having conversations that flow in both directions help you understand your customers' concerns, why they exist and what you can do to fix them.

The Personal Touch
Automated responses and standard letters are a great way to sabotage your social media marketing campaign. Social media is about equal conversations and recommendations. Just think, would you rather buy a new camera from a friend who recommends it or an automated newsletter?
Be transparent and be honest. There are many compelling ways to raise public awareness for your company. Having hidden agendas or stretching the truth will simply backfire.

Be a Part of the Community
Acknowledge others in your community who offer value to your business. Take some time to really be a part of the community and share useful knowledge. Personality goes a long way. It’s a bit like making friends; you have to give a little to receive. You never know, you may build useful networks that extend offline. If you begin your campaign pushing only your content and disregarding the community, you will be dead on arrival.

Big Ideas can Beat Big Budgets
A successful social media campaign can prove to be one of the key catalysts in growth for a small- to medium-sized business. It can increase brand exposure and public relations for a fraction of traditional advertising costs and effort, as well as provide large-scale market research and product refinement ideas at no extra charge.
Soon, social media marketing will join seach-engine optimization as being an important aspect of every business marketing strategy. The speed with which trends evolve on the Internet can often be daunting, but social media marketing by large companies can be emulated in whole or in part by even very small businesses. It’s not the money; it’s the content marketing mindset that separates success and failure.

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Photo credit: / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Click here for full article.

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